Markdown Cheatsheet

Phrase Emphasis

*italic*   **bold**



A [link](
A [link](
"with a title")

Reference-style labels:

A [link][id]. Then, anywhere
else, define the link:

[id]: "title"

Code Spans

`<code>` spans are delimited
by backticks.

You can include literal
backticks like `` `this` ``.

Preformatted Code Blocks

Indent every line of a code block by at least 4 spaces.

This is a normal paragraph.

    This is a preformatted
    code block.


1. an ordered
2. list

* an unordered list
* '-' bullets work too


# Header 1

## Header 2

###### Header 6


> Email-style angle brackets
> are used for blockquotes.

> > And, they can be nested.

> ## Headers in blockquotes
> * You can quote a list.
> * Etc.

Manual Line Breaks

End a line with two or more spaces:

Roses are red,   
Violets are blue.

More markdown syntax help here.